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Let's talk about Porn

Posted 2007-08-01 Tags: None

I came across an interesting article, titled The Porn Myth by Naomi Wolf. I can summarize it for you - they Myth is that pornography turns men into sex-crazed psychos, willing to rape and pillage to get what they want, which is sex, sex, sex. The actuality, according to Wolf is that men have becoming uninterested in women because women do not compare with the ideal porn woman. Women just can't compare, because they are real, actual women "with pores and her own breasts and even sexual needs of her own". Men just don't feel that the girls that they encounter are porn-worthy and they no longer try to have sex with them.

Wow. What an utter and complete load of horseshit.

There's only two things wrong with this article.

a) She didn't do any research+. b) She didn't draw any reasonable conclusions.

I was going to draw some conclusions from my own life, but I think that would be making the same mistake as Wolf. Instead, let's take this scenario ("men no longer want sex") and take it to its (possibly il-)logical conclusion.

For starters, what has been driving men's brains for the last million or so years? That's right; sex. Sex is behind almost every decision that men make and quite nearly everything that men do. Here's a list of things we do for sex:

This isn't even a very complete list. There's a ton of other things we do so we can have sex. But let's see what would happen if we stopped being interested in sex:

Seriously, though, I think if men were no longer interested in sex, or even if there was a significant decrease in the libidinous nature of we manly beasts, there would certainly be repercussions beyond a general lack of sex. Let me introduce another theory:

People today have the same problems connecting with one another that they have always had. It can be difficult to talk to people, to make yourself feel as if the person you with is really, honestly listening and actually cares about what you are saying, thinking or feeling. As always, the easiest scapegoat in the crisis of inter-human relations is the media. Naomi Wolf can try to blame pornography for the problems of men and women, but I think that's the same as looking at someone who has tuberculosis and saying that "your tuberculosis is caused by all that coughing." It's a symptom of the problem, not the root cause.

I think you'll find that the root cause is the incredible differences between men and women and the way that we think. Good job, though, Ms. Wolf, on giving us an inconcrete idea to put the blame on - that's really going to help the situation.

+ I know she did talk to some people. I don't think that constitutes "research". * Almost every argument here can be used about the GLBT crowd as well by replacing a few words.

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